Secrets to staying healthy and sane as a freelance content writer

Let’s bust the myth first!

A freelance content writer is not “free” all the time. In fact, they find it hard to create the right balance between their personal and professional life. Since they do not commute to any brick-and-mortar workplace every day, people assume that freelancers do not actually have a “real job.” On the contrary, freelancer writers can barely take time out for themselves. If this rings a bell somewhere, then this blog can be the key to a door that will lead you to improved quality of life. Want to explore more? Let’s get started!

Why do freelance content writers suck at maintaining a work-life balance?

In a quest to give up on the monotonous 9-5 rut, content writers choose the path of freelancing. But most of them often end up working up to 18 – 22 hours a day. Focusing too much on the work and ignoring your health, social and personal life is quite common among freelancers. They forget why, in the first place did they leave their dreary corporate jobs! Lack of a proper work schedule, indiscipline and stressing too much on work are the main culprits here.

If you are a professional content writer who prefers freelancing over regular jobs, then scroll down. We have some great tips from you straight from the mouth of the industry leaders and experts. Read on and make freelancing a fruitful and healthy lifestyle.

Here’s how to stay sane, healthy, and happy as a freelance content writer!

  • Cut down on your sitting time

man sitting front laptop thoughtful expression Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free) 14450569 | Shutterstock

Do you spend the major part of the day sitting in front of the laptop? Stop doing that right away! Invest in an ergonomic chair or get yourself a standing desk. After every half, an hour, stand up from your chair and take a brisk walk around your home. In short, do not make your body habitual of sitting like a couch potato all day long.

  • Give a break to those tired eyes of yours

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Spending hours staring at the screen can lead to fatigue and eyestrain issues. Try the 20-20-20 technique that suggests taking a break every 20 minutes in order to stare at something 20 feet away for continuous 20 seconds. Also, you can use cucumber slices as cooling pads and place them on your eyes after every 1 hour and sit back to relax for about 10 minutes.

  • Improve your posture

Best Ideas to Improve Computer Performance - Web At One

Maintain a good posture all the while you work. Avoid slouching or craning your neck. Keep your backbone straight. Place the laptop or desktop at proper height and distance.

  • Sip in water and juice at regular intervals

When we ask you to stay hydrated, it means that you should consume enough water and fruit juices. Stop gulping down mugs of coffee or tea to stay active. They mess up with your overall body functioning.

  • Workout regularly

How to Start Exercising and Stick to It -

Get your body moving, buddy! Yoga, Crossfit, MMA, jogging, Zumba – whatever you feel like, just do it and be consistent. Regular workout releases those happy hormones that keep you stress-free and relaxed. Also, daily exercise can efficiently prevent fat build-up and keep your body well-toned.

  • Work 5 days a week

Why have companies moved from a 6-day workweek to a 5-day workweek? - ClockIt

You need not work 7 days a week just because you are a freelancer. You are your own boss, and hence you can allow yourself to work just 5 days a week. Keep the other two days free for enjoying your life and personal care. Also, set your work hours and adhere to them.

  • Set up your workspace

Reduce Stress: 8 Tips To Zen Your Workspace | Henry Ford LiveWell

Create a small and comfy workspace for yourself in a corner that you love the most. Also, decorate your desk with plants and stationery knick-knacks. Make the workspace appear welcoming and warm.

  • Do not open those work emails on your “free days”

What Free Days are, and how to know when you need them.

Forget about the work emails on your free days. Work can wait, but your life cannot.

Why Taking Frequent Breaks Is the Key to Productivity

Make it a habit to take frequent and small breaks. Plan your calendar in advance and set-out time every 2-3 months for 10 to 15 days of break.

Wrapping Up

Freelancing can bring you endless opportunities to live your life to the fullest and mint money simultaneously. All you have to do is to incorporate these habits to sort your personal and professional life. Try these tips to experience beautiful changes.

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